School Hours: Drop off begins at 8:15 AM; the tardy bell rings at 8:25 AM; dismissal runs from 3:00 till 3:15 PM.
Extended Care: Morning care is offered from 7:00 AM till 8:15 AM and afternoon care runs from 3:00 PM till 6:00 PM for a charge of $3.00 per hour.
Office Hours: The office is Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM till 4:00 PM.
Chapel: All students attend chapel services each Wednesday morning at 8:35 AM.
Uniforms and Dress Code: Students are required to wear uniforms. Details can be found in the Parent Handbook.
Enrichment: Classes include library, keyboarding, PE, and music. Not all classes are offered for every grade level.
Lunch: Hot lunch is available daily and must be preordered. Parents may choose to send a sack lunch with the student instead of ordering.
The classroom is full of excitement and very active students! Kindergarteners have a lot of fun with Curious George, their class mascot, in many of the things they do. Everyday is a new adventure and there is always something fun to look forward to!
*A major part of the day is spent using the Go Math! curriculum. Math uses a hands-on approach and manipulatives are used every day in class, and also for homework- at times. Work sheets go home to show parents what was worked on that day. Some skills that are covered include: counting, patterns, time, money, shapes, adding, and subtracting. Math “evaluations” are given after each chapter.
*"Reading Street" is another major part of the day and includes a wide variety of activities. Kindergarteners use "Skill Buddy" books, a Readers and Writers Notebook, and two new readers every week. They read stories, do daily activity sheets, learn sight words, make decodable readers, and have a letter of the week which includes a letter songbook. Students learn letters and their sounds, vowels, compound words, rhyming, syllables and accents. Frequent evaluations and reading practice activities are done in class and parents are expected to support, review and practice these skills at home. Our goal is for each child to begin sounding out words and take steps toward finding the joy of reading!
*Zaner-Bloser is used for handwriting to help students learn the proper way to form and write letters. This is practiced at school and at home.
*Kindergartners love "Jesus Time" and enjoy using their own Bibles! They learn a Bible story each week and learn how to apply the lesson to their lives. A story sheet is sent home to share that with parents. Students also attend chapel in the church each Wednesday with the entire school.
*Kindergartners also enjoy social studies, science, music, art, physical education and classroom library. They learn about plants and take a field trip to the Discovery Garden at Longue Vue House and Gardens! They learn about life cycles and watch caterpillars turn into Painted Lady butterflies! Local firemen teach students about fire safety. Kindergarteners read and learn about famous Americans, bugs, dinosaurs, and our community. The students love to sing, and also begin learning to play handbells and perform for church services a couple of times a year.
*The class enjoys free choice and structured center time, which includes blocks, computer, a house center, art, puzzles, manipulatives, learning games, teacher directed activities, and many more. Snack time provides students with an opportunity to try new foods, such as octopus during "o" week! Health lessons, such as My Plate help students learn how to eat healthy.
*Students have homework each night. Homework sheets are a review of classwork or skill building activities. Good homework habits, responsibility, and organizational skills are a major reason for these homework assignments.
*Each week the class newsletter, “Curious George Gazette,” is sent home. It keeps parents informed about what the class has experienced and future events.
*Discipline in kindergarten uses a 3 step method with a banana tree as a visual. Each child has a banana and wants to keep it from falling off the tree! Each child that has 5 good days gets to “shop” at the teacher's store – Wood-mart. *Students takes turns being the “Top Banana” of the week! They get to be the leader and helper. The child’s parent is invited to come and read to the class one day that week. The best part of being Top Banana is that on Friday the child gets to take home Curious George! He has a back pack with a journal and spends the weekend with the child!
Our Kindergarten year is full of learning, hard work, and lots of fun! Children are exposed to many different activities and experiences - whether it be cooking green eggs and ham, celebrating the 100th day of school, digging for worms, or attending Curious George's birthday party! There is always something to look forward to and learn in the kindergarten class...they are a "curious" bunch!
First Grade
The first grade year is full of transitions for the children. They learn how to read fluently, write short stories and paragraphs, add, subtract, and so much more! Each child’s learning experience is an exciting and fun filled one!
Curriculum: St. John uses Go Math! curriculum which stresses fundamental math concepts as well as computational skills. (In other words, the children learn the “whys” not just the “hows”.) For Reading, the Reading Street curriculum is used. This reading program which uses a basil reader, also has word building activities, phonics review, grammar review and a writing component. In addition to Reading Street, we use the Harcourt Language curriculum for English, which emphasizes punctuation, capitalization, parts of speech, and writing skills. Our Reading and Language programs are enriched with Plaid Phonics. This is a great way to reinforce different phonics rules that help the children learn to decode a word and sound out unfamiliar words while reading. vocabulary. St. John uses One In Christ religion curriculum. Two Bible stories are covered each week, and the children get to complete skits, conduct puppet plays, and complete projects that coincide with each story.
Enrichment Classes: The first graders enjoy several enrichment classes each week. The students attend a weekly story time in the school library, and then get to pick out their own library book to take back to class with them for the week. Each week, they also attend a Zumba Kid's class, where they learn new dances that get those muscles working. In addition to Zumba and Library, the students enjoy daily enrichment in the classroom using technology. The class has Chromebooks and tablets available for their use to reinforce skills taught in class.
Communication: Each child receives a take home folder which contains any important paperwork that will need to go home to parents/guardians. This is the “carrying case” for homework that needs to be completed each night and returned to school.
A newsletter is sent home every Monday. The newsletter contains the spelling words, memory work, and the High Frequency Words for the week. It also contains the homework assignments and test dates for the week.
FastDirect is an important way for parents to receive and send information. Fast Direct is a system that allows parents and teachers to email back and forth. Weekly conduct grades and academic grades can be viewed by parents as they are posted by the teacher.
Encouraging Reading for Enjoyment: Since the students are beginning readers, it is important to encourage them to read about topics that are of interest. The students may check out library books from the Classroom library to take home. Each parent can fill out a "Star Reader" form once the child has either read the book to them, or a parent has read it to the child. Once the child gets 15 books completed, they can return the form to the teacher for a prize.
Second Grade
Second grade is an exciting year! The students are becoming independent readers and building on skills they've learned in First Grade. They also learn all sorts of new things!
Religion/Faith life
In second grade, we use the Concordia Publishing House curriculum "One in Christ". This curriculum covers both Old and New Testament stories and how God's messages then are still applicable to our lives today. We also have several prayer times during the day; in the morning with the whole school, before lunch time, and at the end of the day. We also close our day with a devotional reading. Each Wednesday, we join the entire school in a time of praise and worship in Chapel.
In Second grade we use "Reading Street" by Scott Foresman. This curriculum meets common core standards and covers a variety of literary genres and skills. These skills include reading for fluency and comprehension, building vocabulary, writing for a purpose and reinforcement of grammar concepts.
The Math curriculum is "Go Math" which also meets common core standards. The curriculum includes place value, addition and subtraction facts, time, fractions, and multi-digit computation. New concepts and problem solving skills are included in each day's lessons. Many hands-on activities are used during the teaching process.
"Pearson" Phonics connects phonics skills with spelling skills. The students learn how to spell and read words using phonics.
The Language textbook is published by Harcourt. Students learn grammar and parts of speech, as well as writing skills that include punctuation, capitalization and writing for various purposes. We also use Strategies for Writers which meets common core standards. We use this as a writing supplement to the Language curriculum.
The Science textbook includes Life Science (plants, animals, people, habitats), Earth Science (the Earth, the solar system, weather), and Physical Science (matter, forces, motion and sound).
Social Studies
The Social Studies text is "My World" published by Pearson. It explores communities, our Earth, working together, our country today and long ago, while emphasizing different map and geography skills.
Students review proper forms for printing letters in the first half of the year and start working on cursive letters during the second half of the year.
Enrichment Classes
Second grade students have Library, computer, music, PE and Art classes once a week.
Basic rules and class procedures are discussed and practiced at the beginning of the school year. Daily behavior is monitored by a clip chart in the classroom on which their clip can move up for good behavior and rewards, or down for poor behavior and consequences. A conduct grade is recorded at the end of the day.
A school newsletter and a class newsletter go home each week to keep parents informed of events at school and in the classroom. A homework sheet is also sent home in the student's folder each day and is also posted on FastDirect. FastDirect can also be used to view grades, see homework assignments, view memory work, or send messages to the teacher. You may also contact the teacher directly by phone call or text.
Third Grade
Third grade is such an awesome year in elementary school! Children at this age are becoming more fluent readers, mathematicians, and are further developing their senses of humor and personalities! It is truly a joy to teach AND learn in the 3rd grade classroom at St. John!
Daily religion and prayer is exercised in the classroom to encourage and develop a lifelong love and relationship with Christ. Students also participate in weekly chapel services.
The curriculum includes "Pearson Reading Street" and "Go Math". These and other curricula provide a well-rounded, solid educational program covering the Louisiana state standards and beyond.
Reading: Development of vocabulary, fluency, and higher-level comprehension skills (such as using cause and effect, main idea and supporting details, making inferences, and making predictions); Strong emphasis on using evidence from reading selections to support answers in writing
Math: Multiplication concepts and facts, computation with fractions, story problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations, graphing skills, geometric concepts, and measurement
Language Arts: Strong focus on learning about and applying the parts of speech, as well as learning and developing multiple types of writing styles using rubrics
Social Studies: Louisiana State History (before, during, and after the Civil War), Louisiana Economics, Government, and Geography
Science: A strong emphasis in the different studies of the sciences including life science, earth science, and physical science
Enrichment: Weekly experiences in computer, library, physical education, and art.
Classroom Structure
As children learn in many different ways, the 3rd grade classroom offers a variety of different teaching styles and techniques. Participation in class discussions, small and large group activities, independent practice, as well as drawing and writing are regularly incorporated in weekly lessons and activities.
Communication is key! St. John's faculty value communicating with students, their families, and other members on staff. Each week, a weekly newsletter is sent home entailing information about things that have occurred in the classroom, as well as things that are to come. We welcome phone calls, emails, and written correspondence with parents. FastDirect is our official school communication tool.
Fourth Grade
Fourth grade is an exciting year in the elementary school world! During this year, students are becoming abstract thinkers and learners. Children in fourth grade also make a huge leap in social and emotional maturation. It is truly a joy to work with these “Young Einsteins!”
Faith is the basis and framework of our school, as it should be in our lives. Daily religion and prayer is exercised in the classroom to encourage and develop a lifelong love and relationship with Christ. Students also participate in weekly chapel services.
Our curriculum tools include Pearson Reading Street and Go Math. These provide a well-rounded, solid educational program covering the Louisiana state standards and beyond.
Here are some highlights of the concepts and skills covered in our curriculum:
·Reading: A strong focus on abstract and higher-order comprehension strategies including: drawing conclusions, comparing and contrasting, theme, and figurative language
·Math: Division, Multiplication, adding and subtracting fraction and decimal numbers, and graphing skills
·Language Arts: Strong focus on learning about and applying the parts of speech, as well as learning and further developing multiple types of writing styles
·Social Studies: A focus on the different regions within the United States, including state location memorization
·Science: A strong emphasis in the different studies of the sciences including life science, earth science, and physical science
·Enrichment: Weekly experiences in computer, library and art.
Classroom Structure
As children learn in many different ways, the 4th grade classroom offers a variety of different teaching styles and techniques. Students participate in class discussions, small and large group activities, independent practice, as well as through drawing and writing.
Communication is key! St. John teachers value communicating with students, their families, and other members on staff. Each week a weekly class newsletter is sent home entailing information about things that have occurred in the classroom, as well as things that are to come. Teachers welcome FastDirect messages from parents.
Fifth Grade and Middle School (Sixth - Eighth Grades)
These are very exciting years during which students make the transition from elementary to middle school. Each year, they learn to take on more responsibilities for themselves. They will be more challenged in their school work and more time will be needed to spend on homework.
It is also a time for their personalities to blossom and for their social skills to grow. They will make mistakes, but there is no better place for them to learn and grow from their choices.
The greatest responsibility and enjoyment of the staff at St. John is the ability to share the story of Jesus Christ. The ability to share the faith is a daily activity whether it is in a class, prayer time, weekly chapel, or learning from our mistakes. We pray that this sharing of the faith will instill a lifelong, personal relationship with Christ.
St. John’s curriculum is research-based and produced by publishers including Harcourt, Pearson, Scott Foresman and Zaner-Bloser. These tools provide an exceptional program covering Louisiana State standards and beyond.
Language Arts: Students continue to develop fluency and expression as well as increase their comprehension skills in reading. They review parts of speech and grammar and apply this knowledge to their writing. Students further develop their speaking voice and their writing voice. They practice writing for different purposes as well as writing in response to a specific source.
Math: Students continue to develop a higher understanding of mathematical operations using the "Go Math" methods of teaching. They apply their knowledge of math facts and various types of numbers (whole, fractions, decimals, etc.) to solve problems and learn foundations of algebra and geometry.
Social Studies: The upper grade students focus on the history of the United States and of world civilizations. They learn to distinguish between fact and opinion and determine an author’s point of view. Students learn to compare primary and secondary sources. They also cover geography, economy, social factors, and political factors in the context of studying history.
Science: Students in fifth - eighth grades continue to broaden their knowledge of life science, physical science, and earth science as well as cover topics such as space.
Classroom Structure
Children learn in several different ways; the upper grades team of teachers provides a variety of different teaching styles and techniques. Students participate in class discussion, independent, small and large group activities, drawing and creating visuals for topics, the use of technology and real world problem-solving. While fifth grade is self-contained, the middle school is semi-departmentalized.
Nothing in this world works without communication. We encourage an open line of communication between school and home. Secure messaging is provided with the FastDirect system. School and class newsletters are sent home with students and are sent electronically straight to the parents each week. This includes information about upcoming school and classroom events as well as topics covered in class. Parents are encouraged to message or call teachers at school for any issue concerning their child.
St. John Lutheran School serves the whole community and admits students of any race, color, religion and national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities at the school.